Workin’ 9 to 5

“Tumble out of bed and I stumble to the kitchen”

09:00 a.m. – I tell Don he needs to take a shower today, so let’s start getting ready.

09:15 a.m. – Don needs me to clean up the mess from his first 2 breakfasts he consumed overnight. Raisin Bran, brown sugar, and unidentified debris everywhere.

09:30 a.m. – Don wants his 3rd breakfast that usually requires cooking.

09:45 am – Don has packed his bags and decided he needs to move his bedroom to the house next door. 

“Pour myself a cup of ambition.”

10:00 a.m. – Don wants peanut butter cups.

10:15 a.m. – Don needs money for gas.

10:30 a.m. – Don tells me the house looks familiar, like all the others in the compound.

10:45 a.m. – Don thinks the most current pro golf tournament is right out our front door.

“It’s enough to drive you crazy if you let it.”

11:00 a.m. – Don needs money for fireworks.

11:15 a.m. – Don needs the keys for his truck.

11:30 a.m. – Don reports he is leaving. Needs me to open the gate.

11:45 a.m. – Don wants cake.

“Nine to five for service and devotion.”

Noon – Don falls asleep.

02:00 p.m. – Don wants lunch.

02:30 p.m. – Don wants a can of Pepsi.

02:45 p.m. – Don wants his TV channel changed.

“Want to move ahead, but the boss won’t seem to let me. I swear sometimes that man is out to get me.”

03:00 p.m. – Don wants his slippers.

03:15 p.m. – Don wants to know when we are leaving to go home.

03:30 p.m. – Don wants a hoodie as he’s cold even though the thermostat is at 80 degrees in his room.

“Barely gettin’ by, it’s all takin’ and no givin’.”

04:00 p.m. – Don wants his garbage taken out that contains garbage, regular silverware, pop cans that are full or empty, an occasional item of clothing and discarded eye glasses, jewelry, TV remotes, or cordless phone receiver and charger.

04:15 p.m. – Don wants ice cream.

04:30 p.m. – Don wants to know who is in his bathroom. He needs to use the facilities.

04:45 p.m. – Don wants to know what’s for dinner?

05:00 p.m. – Don wants a glass of wine.

“Workin’ nine to five, what a way to make a livin’.”

Note to Self: All I wanted was for Don to take a shower, and he couldn’t fit it into his busy schedule.

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2 responses to “Workin’ 9 to 5”

  1. Susan Avatar

    You had a hectic crazy-making day! So sorry! I’m glad that you had help with outside work recently though! Hang in there girl!

  2. Hoover Penny L Avatar
    Hoover Penny L

    It is certainly all about Don….. like dealing with a toddler….
    He’ll be sending you out to the sea soon….
    Time for son to come relieve you……You need a break

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