Train to GoofyTown

Upon arriving on the “Don” floor of the house for the day, I find him sleeping on the couch. I tiptoe around, find the cats some food and bowls and feed them before heading to my office. When they finish eating, they usually jump up in my lap while I surf through my email. True to the normal schedule, Mickey arrives right on cue. He has an annoying habit of walking back and forth across my lap several times before settling in. He barely settled down when he abruptly jumped up and ran off. That usually means Don is banging around in the kitchen. Today was no different.

Kristy: I see you slept on the couch.

Don: What are you doing here?

Kristy: I live here.

Don: On the train?

Kristy: Train? What train? You think we are on a train?

Don: Well, I am.

Kristy: A train going where? To GoofyTown?

Don: Is that where you are going, too?

Kristy: Sorry, Boo, I’m not on that particular train today. Maybe next time?

Note to Self: Unfortunately, I have a lifetime pass on the non-stop merry-go-round called caretaking. I just don’t know if it’s my lifetime or his.

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