
Don: Can you get me some ice cream?

Kristy: Sure. What flavor?

Don: It’s on the kitchen counter. 

I wonder what I will find, not knowing how long the carton has been on the kitchen counter. It looked fresh from the freezer, so I dish it up and deliver. When Don has finished his bowl of ice cream, he drops the empty bowl off in the kitchen sink. 

Don: Do you want ice cream?

Kristy: No, thank you, I’m good. 

Six hours later, Don is cracking a crab for his dinner salad. Hunter met up with friends last weekend while visiting Don. The friends had a successful fishing and crabbing trip and shared some crab. There were crab parts everywhere in my kitchen, including the floor, sink, countertop, breakfast bar, and Don. He then enjoyed a nice salad with his collection of crabmeat. 

Don: Remember that ice cream I asked you about earlier today?

Kristy: Uh-huh. 

Don: Minutes later, 2 little kids snatched it up and ate it all. 

Kristy: What did these kids look like?

Don: Thieves. 

Kristy: Gotcha. Ice cream thieves are in the house.  

Note to Self: Get more ice cream.

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