Category: Journal Entry
Household Horror
Besides rain in my laundry room and a refrigerator leaking water from the ice maker tubing, the smoke detectors go on strike and start that annoying beeping in two different rooms. My house has gone bonkers, and it’s only 9:00 am. Mice bit through the kitchen refrigerator water tubing. The cats keep bringing mice in…
What’s Wrong With This Picture?
The day is warm enough to open windows and doors. In the Don chamber, however, he is wearing shorts with socks, a shirt and a zipped-up hoodie with the hoodie over his head. He had turned both the thermostats in the bedroom and bathroom up to 80. I snapped this photo after he ate dinner. …
I fix a chicken dinner, baked potatoes and acorn summer squash with a few sticks of fresh zucchini. I deliver Don his plate. Don: Is this what all the inmates get for dinner? Kristy: No, just you and me. He thought that was sooooo funny. Is he laughing at me or at himself? Note to…
Safer When I’m Dreaming
Inspired by the Song “Until the Night is Done” by Luke Sital-Singh I’ve been walking half asleep I feel safer when I’m dreaming The bigger half of me wants to burn the world away But you told me honestly You will not grow old with your body young You will not go home till the…
The reason I like portable rugs, big and small, is that I can remove and replace them if they get trashed. My entire outdoor deck on the second floor is now covered in discarded rugs from the house. The cats love it. A little bit of indoors is outdoors. What Don has not destroyed, the…
The Best of Don This Week
Kristy: Do you want waffles for breakfast? Don: No, but Jacob will. Kristy: Jacob hasn’t been here to visit since last Thanksgiving. Kristy: Do you want to watch golf or NASCAR? Don: NASCAR. 3 Hours later. Kristy: Do you want to switch to college football or back to golf? Don: I’m watching NASCAR. Kristy: The…
Oyster Shucker
Clowns 2 and 3 decide to have a seafood fest with their friends and use my kitchen for cleaning, prep, seasoning and cooking. They ask for an oyster knife. “A what? I don’t even know what that is.” I was given an explanation/definition that it is a small tool needed to open oysters. Also referred…
We re-homed two male kittens here a year ago to be companions for Don. His request, not mine. Yeah, that worked out well. They often bring a variety of extra critters into the house and turn them loose to chase. That’s the ones that are lucky enough to still be alive. The current count on…
Travel Intuition and Inequalities
You know you should probably consider slowing down on air travel when 2 of the biggest commercial airplanes manufactured cannot get off the ground without hitting each other at the Atlanta International Airport. On the rare occasion I can even consider leaving home now by myself, I feel confident I would get off any plane that…
Music Inside the Walls
Don is watching the reality singing competition show called The Voice on TV. He points at the television and says, “what a wild show!” Then points at his closet and claims he is afraid they will come thru the walls. Reality Definition: real things or the real nature of things rather than imagined, invented, or…