
My day was altered with many unexpected visitors. I was not able to get away to the store for Don’s latest Rx refill. No time to cook and Don was talking “hamburger” all day. I ask him if he wants like a McDonald’s hamburger or should I stop at a pub or restaurant for $40 take-out burgers for the both of us? He gave the one-shoulder shrug and said he didn’t care. While neighbors were available to watch Don, I jet to Tillamook to pick up the prescription. I wish they would all renew at the same time.

On my way home, I stop in at the local McDonald’s drive-thru where I have to switch glasses 3 times to be able to read the menu that is approximately 4 feet away. My driving glasses didn’t work. That should be concerning. I have not been to McDonald’s in a long time; and I was surprised to see a Quarter Pounder with Cheese AND bacon on the menu. I thought I had a sure winner. Don loves anything that includes bacon. I’m so sure that I get 2. 

When I presented the great find to Don, he rubs his hands together and eyebrows lift in anticipation. I finish unloading the car with a few groceries and check on Don’s progress with the meal. Everything from McDonald’s is missing from his tray table. I think, WOW, that must have been quite a treat. Then I spot the burger carton in the garbage. It still had a partially eaten burger and fries inside.

Kristy: What happened with the hamburger?

Don: Someone stole it. 

Kristy: What do you mean someone stole it? It’s still in the carton in the garbage. 

Don: They took mine and left that one instead. It isn’t cooked. I don’t want it. 

Am I the only one thinking Hamburglar? 

Note to Self: OMG! Call 911. Don’s burger has been burgled. I have to give him mine. SOOOO not funny.

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