Eight Apple Enchiladas

A serious kitchen explosion on the cooktop range yesterday was the final straw that caused drastic action to be taken for everybody’s safety. Here’s what I think happened.

I took a 13″ x 9″ glass baking dish out of the oven containing 8 apple enchiladas. I left it on the cooktop to cool for a breakfast treat. I briefly stepped away from the kitchen to go shower and get dressed. I think Don then wandered into the kitchen and, for reasons unknown, turned on a burner, and the pan of enchiladas was sitting on that burner. Then he left the kitchen and went back to the living room. With additional direct heat on the glass, the dish exploded. Pieces of glass and one enchilada flew through the kitchen to distances a few feet away. I found Don sitting in his recliner watching TV, and he had propped a broom and dustpan against the kitchen sink before I returned.

Kristy: What happened?

Don: Was I supposed to leave a car here for you today”?

Kristy: There are chards of glass sticking out the side of a wooden knife display next to the stove, inside the sink, on the floor, inside a toaster, stuck to a plastic coffee maker and as far and wide as the cooktop could contain, and you want to talk logistics?

Don: It wasn’t me. I didn’t do it.

Kristy: Do what?

Don: Turn a burner on.

There it is!

Note to Self: NOT! That used to be Don’s mantra, never mine. Should I take the hint that I’m such an inferior cook that he blew my apple enchiladas clear out of the dish and off the stove?

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One response to “Eight Apple Enchiladas”

  1. Hoover Penny L Avatar
    Hoover Penny L

    I’m so sorry…what a mess….. your work is never done…..

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