January 13, 2024

I call Don to the lunch table. He is currently showing off his new favorite fleece jacket, gifted to him at Christmas by Gigi. Only one arm of the jacket is on his body correctly.

January 13, 2024

I offer to assist with getting the gifted fleece jacket all the way on the other arm. He then opens the right front side of the jacket for an inside view. He keeps scratching around for something inside, like a pocket. I know I’m going to be surprised with the answer, but I ask anyway.

Kristy: Can I help you find something?

Don: There is a handle inside this jacket that I can pull and stop those guys from showing up on the golf leaderboard.

I shoot a glance at the TV Golf channel on TV. I see the leaderboard.

Kristy: What guys are you trying to stop?

Don spits out a few names not familiar to me and not on the leaderboard. He is grinning from ear to ear like he just found the coolest new tool ever inside his fleece jacket that, apparently, has magical powers in a global environment. Maybe he’s been reading up on a little too much Harry Potter? Grandson Colton is a big fan. Grandson Kevin was also a big fan when he was in grade school.

I purchased the complete collection of Harry Potter books, soft and hard cover, tapes, and other memorabilia that I have on display in our living room right next to the TV that is now airing a tournament on the Golf channel. Grandson Kevin and I used to read and listen to the tapes in the car when we traveled together. We traveled together extensively for a couple of years when he was young. I have read all the books and have amassed a collection. Don never took an interest in the Harry Potter craze. So, therefore, I can only conclude that he has inhaled too much floo powder and has been traveling himself from Platform 9-3/4 at King’s Cross Train Station. Magical indeed.

J K Rowling, author of everything, Harry Potter, is someone who caught my attention decades ago and should be an inspiration to those who can write fiction. I cannot, which is why I admire her creativity and perseverance after being told repeatedly she was on the wrong path.

Note to Self: Next time I go golfing, I need to borrow some floo powder to change the outcome of the game. Thanks Don for revealing the magical powers. Golfers in the Cast of Characters include me, Don, Hunter, Julie, Jacob, Kevin, Greg, April, Jorge, and Diego. Fore!

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