Good Morning VietDon!

December 20, 2023

The kitchen was in disarray, as always, when I entered for the first time today. There’s a half-eaten bowl of cereal, remnants from a piece of pumpkin pie in the sink, cupboard doors open including those above the stove, a clear liquid dripping from the countertop to the floor and pooling, and a shaker of confectioners’ sugar looking out of place. I hear a dinging sound similar to a jingle bell. I thought it must be a cat toy, but both cats are eating in another part of the kitchen. 

Kristy: Do you want coffee?

Don: No, it takes too long. 

Kristy: Five minutes is too long? Do you have such a busy schedule today that you can’t wait?

Don responds, with a mouth full of M&M’s, that he does not want coffee. I then find the source of the jingle bell noise. It turns out to be a crystal candy dish that Don was waving around like a baby rattle with a few remaining M&M’s inside. The candy dish was full last night. 

Don: Is Hunter coming from the hospital today?

Kristy: The hospital? Nobody is in or at the hospital today or yesterday. 

Don: Isn’t that where we came from?

Kristy: No. You came in here from your bedroom. 

Don: Does somebody live here?

Kristy: Yes. Can you guess who lives here?

Don: No. 

I finish cleaning up the sticky liquid on the floor that turns out to be wine. The half-eaten bowl of cereal has confectioners’ sugar sprinkled all over the remaining cereal in the bowl. We were out of brown sugar, so he must have substituted. Maybe that’s why we have leftovers in the bowl of cereal. 

It took sequencing in the brain for Don to think of any substitutes for brown sugar. He then tracks down the shaker of confectioner’s sugar in the cupboard above the stove and sprinkled it on the cereal. Then why is the milk jug still sitting on the counter instead of in the refrigerator? 

Note to Self: I am a certified night owl. Mornings like these kill whatever internal instinct I have to get out of bed at all. By the time I get both eyes open and legs moving in harmony, Don is already on to another disaster in progress.

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