A Commitment to Finding Funny in the Day-to-Day Life As a Spousal Caregiver


My husband suffered a massive hemorrhagic stroke on 8/5/22. Life as we knew it, changed forever on that day. He returned home, after 4 months in the hospital and rehab, but was still brain damaged and had limited movement in some parts of his body. We now live in 2 separate parallel worlds. He lives in an altered state of reality, and I live in the real world for both of us. I am constantly adjusting to the dysfunction and out-of-ordinary routines and behaviour. Writing down the daily events allowed me to acknowledge, record, reflect, forget and move on. The writing became cathartic and then humorous. Friends encouraged me to do more. I know I can’t be the only one facing this type of dramatic life-changing event. If my journey helps you with your journey through something similar, then my compulsion to write may benefit you, too. I am not an expert on writing or caregiving. Far from it. I am offering entertainment, from a humorist point of view, in an environment that is not so funny on most days. Here we go!

A Collection of Conversations, Interactions, Delusions, Hallucinations and Behaviors After Hemorrhagic Stroke

A hemorrhagic stroke left my husband brain damaged, partially paralyzed on his left side, in pain and suffering huge gaps in memory. I have written daily diary entries of the first year in a book. This blog takes over where the book ends.


Actual one-on-one conversations, primarily with me, but sometimes with others.


Interactions with family, friends, medical personnel, neighbors, store clerks, and total strangers.


Unwavering belief in inaccurate details about home, geographic locations, deceased family, and upcoming events.


An overload of visions, when asleep or awake, involving everything imaginable.

Behavioral Changes

Sweet tooth, clothing disasters, unrelenting packing of a backpack or an overnight bag, selfishness, and loss of optimal circadian rhythm.

Memory Loss

Loss of memory of current events is sometimes in less than 4 hours. Older memories of 35 years ago are easier, but a little confusing.

My Haikus

A friend gifted me a special game called “Haikubes”. I use it often to write Haikus for fun and distraction.

12/25/23 Written for A Member of the
Cast of Characters

Radical Shiver

Wise Time Whispers A

Radical Shiver Into

One Heavy Journey

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.”

Arnold H. Glasow

American Author 1905-1998